source: Edlines Summer 2009
In the Winter 2008 Edlines reported a decision of the QCA/Ofqual which had prevented OCR from including Humanism in a new Religious Studies GCSE. BHA have been engaging with QCA, Ofqual and OCR to try to ensure a presence for Humanism in a new GCSE. A new pilot GCSE: ‘Religion and belief in the modern world’, which includes extensive study of Humanism is now being accredited. The GCSE will be trialed at pilot centres across england in the coming two years.
Update 27/5/12: Examinations June 2012 - last exam will be June 2013. Ref: OCR. All documents associated with this course here.
OCR piloted this course because "The pilot is based on recommendations identified by the 2007 Ofsted report: Making Sense of Religion. This report highlighted the need for a religious education specification that enables children and young people to make sense of religion in the modern world. It also called for a realistic approach to controversy to be maintained when making pupils aware of the complexities and ambiguities of religion, all within a framework which encourages them to explore issues openly."
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