Finally... I found the Dorset Agreed Syllabus for RE, 2005 - online pdf.
references to 'Humanist' - 13 on 2/50 pagespg 46 (12 'Humanist' references):
It is anticipated that schools may want to include material from secular philosophies. The following table on Humanist beliefs on Ultimate Questions is included for guidance.

- What do Humanists believe and why?
- What do Humanists do because of their beliefs?
- How do Humanists express their beliefs?
- AT 2 : How do you respond?
pg 49 (1 'Humanist' reference):
Richard Scutt - Humanist Observer
[thanks to Richard Scutt who was Humanist Observer of Dorset SACRE 2004-2009]
references to 'Humanism' - 0 references to "secular philosophies" - 5 on 5/50 pages
pg 23 (1 reference)
Pupils’ own world-views, including secular philosophies, should be studied particularly in considering ultimate questions and ethical issues.
pg 34 (1 reference)
Key Stage 2 - Religion & Beliefs: the world views of pupils, including, where appropriate, secular philosophies.
pg 40 (1 reference)
Key Stage 3 - Religion & Beliefs: the world views of pupils, including, where appropriate, secular philosophies.
pg 41 (1 reference)
Areas of Study Key Stage 3 Schools should take the approach of unpacking Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism and world views including secular philosophies through asking a series of Ultimate Questions. The views of Hinduism, Islam and Judaism on these ultimate questions should also be included where appropriate.
pg 46 (1 reference)
It is anticipated that schools may want to include material from secular philosophies. The following table on Humanist beliefs on Ultimate Questions is included for guidance.
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