15 Sep 2009
This guidance is entitled 'RE in English schools'. It is updated non-statutory guidance for educational agencies, local authorities, Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education (SACREs), agreed syllabus conferences (ASCs), faith communities, school governors and all those involved in teaching RE. This proposed guidance is intended to update and replace the parts of Circular 1/94 that deal with RE.
'RE in English schools' updates the previous guidance on RE by:
- describing the provision of RE in the context of changes in legislation, schools' new duties, several new categories of schools, a new secondary curriculum, new primary curriculum proposals and the non-statutory national framework for RE
- setting out the legal basis of RE in the curriculum and the legal duties of local authorities and different types of schools
- highlighting the importance of RE as a curriculum subject and its relevance to the aims of the curriculum, to community cohesion and to pupils’ wellbeing
- detailing what SACREs, local authorities, school governors, headteachers, curriculum planners and teachers need to know to carry out their responsibilities
- describing the right to withdraw from RE.
In addition, the updated guidance underscores the importance of the non-statutory national framework as an agreement on the principles underpinning effective RE among all major faith/belief communities and RE professional associations.
The guidance is written to support those with a responsibility or contribution to make in the provision of RE. It includes illustrative case studies to indicate how some SACREs and schools have made their provision effective. It is intended to inform and guide, not to direct, and to generate confidence in the capacity of RE to enrich the curriculum offered to young people.
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